post date: 2015-01-30 counts: 599













Before coming to China I had no clue about the Chinese way of life, culture and society. I expected to get to know a very diverse country and in fact it was much more than I thought. The stay in China has made me more flexible and cosmopolitan, as I’m able to adapt to Chinese lifestyle. I discovered Chinese language, values and manners, which enables me to build an opinion and treat eastern culture with respect. Also inter-cultural experiences with students from all over the world have been a great enrichment. It was great to do group work with all the different students. Working on a project together we have improved our English language skills, presentation skills and team-work. The course also gave me a new perspective to deal with design work, as I got to know different work methods and of course lots of inspiration to take back home. All in all it was a great program and I feel very lucky to have been invited to study abroad.

-------------------- Theresia Weber(德国)


I'm happy to have been in Shanghai this summer.By attending this program, I could get various information of Shanghai fashion. At first, I only expected to learn about the fashion market in Shanghai such as a trend of summer fashion and proper price of fashion items etc. However, when it came to the end, I found I got more than I have expected. I specially appreciate with my group members. Although this was my first time to experience doing fashion design and group presentation, I was greatly encouraged by my team buddies to work together. Also, I want to thank DHU’s team, they really tried to make everything better, listening to us and offering those about the local fashion characteristic with lots of materials and suggestions.


------------------------ Kim JuYun(韩国)

It was really awesome to be in Shanghai! My first thoughts before I came here was that Shanghai would be a traditional Chinese city. But it was more than that! We have seen it was a city with several styles as classic, natural, urban and futuristic. The fashion lessons were really great. We learned a lot of de Shanghai type of fashion in the traditional and modern way. The most I learned of the two trips we made to the Chinese costume museum and the place where they made de classic costumes by hand.

------------------------- Arjan Schippers(荷兰)


Having been a full-scholarship recipient for the 3S program, this month long experience was very rewarding. The designing, travel, and language classes gave me a more in-depth look at Shanghai and Shanghai fashion than I could have imagined. I will never forget the places I saw and all of the international students I met during my stay at Donghua ICES.

---------------------- Kimberly Ring(美国)