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我叫陆安兰,是一名来自斯洛伐克大学汉学专业的本科生。我之所以选择这个专业, 是因为我的梦想是当翻译,想学好中文后成为斯中交流的使者。我目前正在准备毕业论文,主要内容是研究上海弄堂独特的人文特征。这个题目是我在上海留学时定下来的。我觉得上海的弄堂文化很有意思,希望能把它独特的地方总结出来分享给大家。












出国留学最大的收获就是能接触到各种新的文化和观点。在中国的 8 个月开阔了我的眼界,让我结识了许多来自不同国家的新朋友。我看到了不同的生活方式,这有助于我更好地了解中国、了解世界。另外,现在说中文时,我感觉比之前舒服多了,没有了寻找合适词汇和句子的那种压力,能很自然地表达自己的想法。虽然回国以后我接触中国文化的机会少了很多,但我在中国的留学生活让我能不时想起在中国的美好瞬间。跟那些像我一样喜欢中文和中国的朋友们联系也让我回味在中国的幸福感受。我要顺利完成我关于上海弄堂的论文,实现当翻译的梦想,并希望有一天能再回到中国去。



作者:陆安兰(斯洛伐克) Andrea Uhliarikova (Slovakia)



Developing a liking for the Chinese language

My name is Andrea, and I am an undergraduate student from Slovakia majoring in Sinology. I chose this field because my dream is to be a translator, and I want to become a link for exchange between Slovakia and China after I learn Chinese well. I am currently preparing my graduation thesis, which focuses on the unique characteristics of Shanghai's longtang. I decided on this topic when I was studying in Shanghai. I find Shanghai's longtang culture very interesting, and I hope to summarise its unique features and share them with others.

As a Sinology major, I have always longed to study in China. By chance, I learnt from my classmates and teachers that I could apply for a CSC scholarship to study in China. With the support of my parents, I submitted my application and was lucky enough to be accepted to study at Donghua University in China for one year.


A journey with obstacles

Unfortunately, I was unable to enter China for offline study because of the pandemic, so I had to start my study abroad journey by taking online classes. I originally thought that the online class would not be very interesting, and with the time difference, the learning effectiveness would surely not be satisfactory. However, I was surprised to find that the live online classes taught by the teachers at Donghua University were not boring at all, and I was looking forward to the next class.

I remember that shortly after the start of the school year, it was China's National Day, and my teacher asked us to take advantage of the holiday to make a video and introduce to our classmates how we spent it. Every student prepared well and not only did they make a good video, but they also narrated it very well in Chinese. Some students made a video about their travels, and I made a video about the Apple Festival in my hometown. This way of learning was very special and impressive, and it also brought students from different countries closer to each other.


Setting foot on Chinese soil

I finally got my student visa in the spring semester of 2023. When I first arrived in Shanghai, I wasn't quite used to it, but with the help of the teachers at the school, I quickly settled into the dormitory. Everyone I met was very helpful and I was able to get help whenever I needed it.

The first time I went to the classroom I was so excited to finally meet my online friends - the teachers and students of the online class. The offline classes were also very interesting, with lots of group discussions, face-to-face interaction with Chinese students, and frequent trips to various places in Shanghai for language practice. I also encountered a lot of challenges, such as very challenging exams and cultural differences, but I regarded them as learning opportunities that pushed me to study harder. Over time, I found that my Chinese language skills have improved greatly.

I am very grateful to the school for organising various activities for us. For example, there were regular weekly cultural activities, such as making dumplings, drawing Chinese paintings and experiencing the Chinese tea ceremony. There were also two special events this term - the Sports Carnival and the Chinese Food Festival.

In the Sports Carnival, we teamed up with Chinese students to participate in four group events: Rainbow Rope Tug-of-War, Cyclone Running, Long Rope Skipping, and Hula Hoop to the End, which fully demonstrated the sportsmanship of Friendship First, Competition Second. I also experienced for the first time traditional Chinese sports such as whacking balls and throwing arrows into pots.

In the Chinese Food Festival, each class participated in making a speciality food from a certain region of China. Our class chose hot dry noodles, one of the most famous snacks in Wuhan. The teacher and students worked together to make the noodles on site, and the savoury flavour and quality was so outstanding that many teachers and students from other classes patronised our stand and the noodles were sold out. The event was a great success and I had a great time that day. The food from all the classes was delicious and the atmosphere was very enjoyable.

I also took the opportunity to travel around China with my friends during the holidays. Everyone we met was very friendly to us, they were always willing to help and made me feel at ease as well as have fun.

Gains and Expectations

The best thing about studying abroad is the exposure to new cultures and perspectives. The 8 months I spent in China broadened my horizons and allowed me to meet many new people from different countries. I saw different ways of life, which helped me understand China and the world better. In addition, I feel much more comfortable speaking Chinese now than before, without the pressure of finding the right words and sentences, and I can express myself naturally.

Although I have had much less exposure to Chinese culture since I returned back home, from time to time I remember the wonderful moments I had as a student in China. Connecting with friends, who love Chinese and China as much as I do, has also made me reminisce about how happy I was in China. I want to successfully complete my thesis on Shanghai's longtang, realise my dream of becoming a translator, and hopefully return to China again one day.




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