你知道吗?在东华大学参加全日制汉语项目学习,每学期我们会组织一次上海近郊的语言实践活动,非常好玩! Each semester, students of full-time Chinese language programs have the opportunity to join the language excursion. 没错!我们会挑选有中国传统文化特色的地方带大家去,老师还会给同学们准备一些有趣的任务和活动! The destinations are featured with traditional cultures, and the excursions are full of challenge and fun!
1、寻宝 Explore 发掘传统文化景点或特色
2、采访 Interview 和当地人面对面沟通
3、体验 Experience 亲身感受当地的生活
2015年秋季学期,老师带领同学们分三批到古镇枫泾参加语言实践活动。老师给不同层级的同学设计了不同难度系数的任务。想了解他们都玩些什么吗,就一个个打开看看吧! 2015 autumn semester, we went to beautiful Fengjing ancient town. Click the contents one by one and find out how interesting it is!
1、Level A1, B1, G1
2、Level A1+, A2, A2+
3、Level A3, A3+, A4, A5 |