专题讲座:旗袍的故事 Lecture: Story of Qipao 主讲人:刘瑜,东华大学服装与艺术设计学院教授。
Speaker: Ms. Liu Yu, Professor of Fashion and Art Design Institute of Donghua University.
语言/Language: 英语/English 电影欣赏:《花样年华》 Movie: In the Mood for Love 王家卫执导,梁朝伟、张曼玉主演的爱情电影。 Enjoy the charm of Qipao by appreciating this love movie.
字幕/Subtitle: 英语/English
时间:Sept. 22 (Thur.) **专题讲座/Lecture: 14:00-15:30 **电影欣赏/Movie: 15:30-17:00 地点:IECB 117 (Yan'an Road Campus Map 03)
报名 Registration
除孔院奖学金生外,有30个名额。请于9月21日前到ICES123办公室报名,额满为止。 Besides Confucius Institute Scholarship students, there are 30 quotas. Please sign up at ICES Office 123 before Sept. 21st.