All Students (Language Students and Degree Students): CNY300/person
4pm, Sept 22,2016
报名网址Apply Online:
1. 位置有限,先到先得。
Limited seats. First come, first serve.
2. 本次旅行预计共有5辆大巴车,每辆车有40个座位。报名时请注意车辆编号。延安路校区的同学请选择1号-4号,松江的同学请选“松江大巴”。一人一座,请勿重复选座。
There are estimated 5 buses, and each bus has 40 seats. While registering please mention the Bus No. you wish to be on (Yan’an Road Campus: No1, No2, No3 and No4; Songjiang Campus: Songjiang Bus). One person one seat, please do not double seat-choosing.
3. 已经网上报名的学生若未在9月22日下午4点前按时缴费,报名将被作废,届时未能报上名的学生可以在9月23日早上9点后来国际文化交流学院107办公室查询剩余名额并报名。
Students who have already registered online would be deleted from the registration list if the fee is not being paid before 4:00pm, Sept. 22nd. Hence, students who could not get registered online can go to ICES office 107 to ask for the available seats and apply for it.
4. 9月22日下午4点前可退费用。过后不退。
If you want to cancel the registration, the deadline for returning the fee is 4:00pm, Sept. 22nd.
5. 已成功报名的学生如无故缺席此次语言实践活动,将取消明年参加此类活动的资格。
For students who already signed up: unexcused absence will lead to disqualification from any language excursion of next year.
6. 此次所收的费用已包括酒店、餐食、景点门票和大巴费用。
The hotel fee, meals, landmark tickets and bus fare are all included.